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dilli haat

As a design philosophy, with two Dilli Haats already in the city, the design elements were questioned at multiple levels. Fundamentally, all Dilli Haats - Artisan Markets - need to have a common ground of bringing artisans to interface with city dwellers by eliminating the middlemen. All the haats need their own identity to attract people not only from their own neighborhood, but from the city and country at large.

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location delhi, new delhi

year 2014

status built

programmes mixed-use

The haat is in tune with today’s times while respecting the craft and cultural centricity of the project.

The design solution therefore is a conversation between the past and the present, acknowledgement of the traditional and adaptation of the contemporary, both in concept and construction. The final functionality found an indoor, well-equipped, 800- capacity auditorium for formal concerts and an informal open-air amphitheater that works simultaneously with independent spaces and support services. A large, air-conditioned food court extends into shaded courtyards and expansive greens for the basic need of spillovers.

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Formal, informal and open shop spaces are created to bring in the required sensitive adaptations of malls, markets and bazaars into this haat. An independent fine dining with an extended banquet facility is created to reinforce the business plan of this complex cultural complex.

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